Blog Educação & Cidadania

Education & Citizenship Blog

Ulisses F. Araujo

Senior Full Professor

University of Sao Paulo, Brazil

This is a reflection and action space, aimed at publishing texts that favor the construction of a more just, solidary, and happy life for each and every being on the planet. Although education is the main reference and personal and collective responsibility are the principles for action, other challenging, complex, and hot themes will be addressed and discussed in this blog. The original texts are written in Portuguese. However, we will add to this English version of the blog a rough Google Translation.

The School Pandemonium in the COVID-19 Pandemic

It's been nine months since the world began to face this unusual and painful situation of the COVID-19 pandemic, which has had so many effects on the lives of most of the planet's inhabitants. In addition to the moments of fear, pain, empathy, anger, hope, hopelessness, and varied reflections on life and society, I have experienced all of this paradoxically in my multiple social roles. As the father of a school-age child, a researcher in the field of education, politically engaged citizen, and university professor, reflecting on the impact of this pandemic on the various actors and institutions of the educational universe leads me to understand that the term pandemonium, in its figurative form, is what best reflects...

The human rights and the new crusades

  2018 was a special year for the world as it celebrated the 70th anniversary of the promulgation of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) by the United Nations. This document became a milestone in civilization's history because it brought to the center of international politics a pact around the rights of each and every human being. The year of 2018 was especially emblematic for Brazilian society, also because it celebrated the 30th anniversary of the new Brazilian constitution, after two decades of military dictatorship...